Sunday, December 29, 2019

US is stingier with childcare, maternity leave than all the world

US is stingier with childcare, maternity leave than all the worldUS is stingier with childcare, maternity leave than all the worldIn most American families led by couples, both parents are in the workforce. At the same time, nearly 1 in 4 U.S. children are being raised by single moms.Yet childcare is generally unaffordable and paid leave is not available to most U.S. parents.Around the world, however, most employed women automatically get paid maternity leave. And in most wealthy countries, they also have access to affordable childcare.These holes in the national safety net are a problem for many reasons, including one Ive been researching with my colleagues for years Paid parental leave and childcare help women stay in the workforce and earn higher wages over time. This lack of parental leave and childcare may explain why the U.S. is no longer a leader in womens workforce participation.Maternity leaveThe U.S. is one of a handful of countries worldwide that does not mandate paid mate rnity leave. The other four are the low-income nations of Lesotho, Liberia, Papua New Guinea and Swaziland.Paid leave, which typically lasts at least 14 weeks, needs to be designed thoughtfully. When women can and do take two or even three years off after having a baby, as they may in Hungary, long leaves can limit mothers work experience and lead to discrimination.The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act did mandate 12 weeks of unpaid job-protected leave for some American workers. Yet most families cant forgo the income that moms bring home.Denmark offers what I think is a strong example. There, moms get almost 18 weeks of paid maternity leave and dads get two weeks of paid paternity leave. On top of that, couples get up to a total 32 weeks of parental leave, which parents can split. This policy grants parents both the time and resources necessary to care for children, without mommy tracking mothers.ChildcareIn many wealthy countries, child care and preschool are considered a mainstay of the educational system. But in the U.S., only about half of all children between the ages of 3 and 6 are getting publicly supported child care of any kind, including kindergarten, versus 99 percent of kids that age in France.Interestingly, high-quality early childhood education programs are associated with many excellent outcomes for children from lower-income families higher graduation rates, along with lower rates of teen pregnancy and juvenile crime.In other words, when governments invest in child care and maternity leave, it fosters a more productive, healthy and creative workforce.This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

What happens if you dont want to retire early

What happens if you dont want to retire earlyWhat happens if you dont want to retire earlySometimes in the personal finance community, we fall over ourselves preaching the virtues of early retirement. Especially after weactually do it. Its our new way of life, and because its working out so well for us, its going to work out well for everyone.And therefore, everyone should pursue early retirement as well. Why would they not? Its working out so great for meFollow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraBut heres the thing Yes, early retirement has been wonderful, but it also wont work the same way for everyone. Im not here to sell you on early retirement. Its not necessarily the best thing since sliced bread. Why?Enjoyable jobs can provide ahealthy purposeSome mayneedto work to support family and loved onesMany wouldnt know what to do with themselves without a jobWe get so hung up on theshittin ess of jobsthat we relentlessly attack their very nature. Ive done this, too.Ive made it no secret that I hate corporate America. I worked for 14 years and made good money, but I didnt enjoy it. Almost ever. I could not fathom another 30 years doing that stuff. It just didnt work for me and I needed out.Early retirement worked for me. My wife and I are proud of what we accomplished and make no apologies to society for bailing from the grind in our 30s.But, what if it doesnt work for you? Are you somehownot doing it right?What if early retirement doesnt work for you?First, dont feel bad. Just because you dont want to retire early (or cant), that doesnt mean youre a bad person. It simply means youre different than me. And, different from a lot of otherFIRE bloggers.We are FIRE bloggers because we arent finding fulfillment in our full-time jobs. But, thats not to say that jobs dont provide a whole hell of a lot of value for a lot of people. They do.Jobs provide purpose. Something to do with our time. An opportunity for us to get out of the house and meet people. Build a network of friends. Solve interesting challenges and do new things.All that stuff is good. HoweverLet me digress for just a moment.I do believe that finding a purpose in lifeoutside of your jobis chock-full of wisdom, too. There is nothing wrong with loving your job, but theres a risk inherent in that, too. Bare with me for a few moments.The problem with loving your jobFor most of us, our jobs are nothing more than a means to an end. Our jobenables our work. It puts into action the thing that we love doing.But, jobs also come and go. And, they can seriously suck sometimes.Right now, you might love your job. Love everything that you do. You have an awesome boss who genuinely cares about you as a person. He or she gives you theautonomy to do your jobin the best way that you know how.They dont care about status reports or wertzuwachs reviews.Everythings awesome. You love it.But, what happens if your company gets bought out by another much larger entity and strips out that layer of wickedly-cool management and replaces it with a collection of mindless automatons whose sole focus is the bottom line?Suddenly, weekly status reports are the norm. Youre having 1-on-1 meetings every week with your boss instead of doing the things you enjoy.Oh, and those raises that youve enjoyed the past five years? Theyre gone or at the very least, reduced. They are tied directly to an arbitrary 1 to 5number on your yearly performance review that would make the most bureaucratic manager extremely proud. You get what you get. And, youre no longer permitted to leave at 3 pm on Friday afternoons, either.The workday ends at 5 pm, pal. Bet you wish that youprepared for a job lossa little more aggressively now, eh?In other words,jobs change. If you are like most of us, youll probably move around within your industry, too (in fact, thats howsignificant pay increases tend to happen). Jobs come and go.Love y our work not necessarily your job. But I digress.If you love what you do so much that you have no intention of ever retiring much less retiring before 65, then heres the next best thingFinancial Independence. What if you have no intention of retiring early? Then set your sights on something thatsalways beneficial.Financial Independenceis more important than early retirementEarly retirement gets attentionin the mediabecause thats a popular buzzword that generates clicks. And, I get it. People are naturally interested in early retirement because its way different. It goes against the norm.And because of that, its also super controversial.But,its the financial independence part thats the more important elementof this whole retirement business,andthereasonisverysimple.Financial independence means weve accumulated enough money in our savings, investments and things like home equity to live out the remainder of our lives with a reasonable chance of never running out of money.NoteA lot of us use theTrinity studyas the foundation for figuring out when financial independence has been achieved.When we achieve financial independence, we no longer have to work a traditional job though we still can if we choose to. We are no longer required to maintaina consistentcash flow to fund our lifestyle.Early retirement, on the other hand,impliesthe financial independence part. After all, we cant quit our jobs (for good) without having enough cash to live. But, it also means weve gone that extra step and quit our jobs.In ER, we quit our jobsafterachieving financial independence.But make no mistake about itFinancial Independence is much more important than Early Retirement, and most retirees value the FI part more than the ER part.though, it may not seem that way sometimes.Financial independence provides the freedom and flexibilityto do anything.YOUbecome the ultimate ruler of your life rather than your full-time job. You zupflmmel and choose your schedule. You decide your lifes wo rk from that point on.Its not about earning a ton of cash, ornot having kids, winning thelottery, or lucking out in the stock market with investments.This FI/RE movement is about happiness. Nothing more, nothing less.The gritty details of incomes, cash flow, and net worths arent what is most important in this conversation. Those details matter, but they also dont tell the whole story of why.This is the story of what makes us smile and its going to be different for each and every one of us. We travel. Others hate to travel. Some might want to live in a high cost-of-living area while others prefer something different. Vanlife. House-sitting.Minimalism.FatFire.LeanFire.Guys and gals, it doesnt fing matter.Whats the difference between financial independence and early retirement?These two concepts are mutually exclusive, and its important to note that while there is incrediblewisdom in achieving FI, the ER part is 100% optional.Financial Independencemeans that you have enough money to su stain your lifestyle without holding down a job or a significant means of cash flow. Theres nothing to say that you cant continue to work a full-time job even after achieving financial independence.Early Retirementmeans youve quit the rat race. Youre no longer working a full-time job even though youmight be earning moneyin one of your passion pursuits (blogging,woodworking, etc). Early retirementimpliesthat youre financially independent.Sometimes, youll hear these two concepts referred to as FIRE or FI/RE. Though, other derivatives exist, like FIOR and FFLC.If youre looking for a bunch ofcompletely meaningless buzzwords and acronyms, I got ya covered.Important bottom line Whether you like your job or not or plan to retire early or not, the instant that financial independence is achieved,your life changes. Your ability to quit your job and dosomething else becomes simple. Layoffs becomemeaningless. Your confidence to try new things and exert yourself almost becomesautomatic.Early re tirement is not a magic pillIf theres one thing that you take from this article, let it be thisDont let anybody sell you on the idea that early retirement is going to fix all of your problems, or that if you just pay some money and sign up for such-and-such course, or read this or that book, youll surely retire early and fall ass-backward in money, fame, and happiness.Reality doesnt work that way, and there are too many who are selling the idea of happiness. But as we all know, happiness is very rarely bought.Dont try to buy it.This article first appeared on Thinksaveretire.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will ersatzdarsteller your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Thursday, December 19, 2019

3 ways to stop panicking when you have a high-stress boss

3 ways to stop panicking when you have a high-stress babo3 ways to stop panicking when you have a high-stress bossWeve all been there your manager walks by and you panic. Your manager intimidates your while giving feedbackand you want to sink into the floor. You hope you dont have to make small talk with them in an elevator on your way out.Heres how to build up your armor so you can avoid emotionally crumbling around your intimidating, and/or high-maintenance boss.Show that you can do great workThis can go a long way.Ashley Stahl, a career coach and former national security professional, writes about overcoming your fear of your boss in The Muse. One of her tips is to be irreplaceable.Great employees pay attention to their boss priorities and pain points, and they constantly offer to take on side projects- projects that the boss may leid have initially thought about- to improve a process or ease the workload, she writes. How? In order to come up with projects that truly make his or h er heart sing, you must anticipate circumstances or projects that may present challenges in the near future. What are your boss goals, priorities, and- most importantly- problems? Your ability to identify mitigate issues before they arise is key to becoming an irreplaceable employee.Use this method when your boss is selfishCharles Purdy, currently a the Managing Editor of Adobe Create Magazineand former Monster Senior Editor, features advice from Lynn Taylor, author and CEO of Lynn Taylor Consulting, on writes about how to deal with different types of managers, based on pop culture- this one is The Narcissistic Boss (e.g., Miranda Priestly, The Devil Wears Prada).Taylor recommends using what she calls the CALM method (Communicate, Anticipate, Laugh and Manage Up) with these bosses, he writes. Communicate frequently, honestly and regularly with aggressive bosses, so you understand whats behind all the blustering, she says. Anticipate problems before they occur or b ecome more stressful and dont encourage a tantrum with bad timing, either. Taylor also suggests laughter. A little levity goes a long way when tensions are running high,she says. Manage up by being a role model of good behavior, using positive and negative reinforcement as you would with a child.Dont forget to focus on self-careAlan Henry, current editor of Smarter Living and former Editor-in-Chief of Lifehacker, writes on Lifehacker that you should understand what stress does to you and how to fight it as a way to work with a manager you dont like.If your boss stresses you out and makes you angry, you might benefit from simple office-friendly stress relief tricks like meditation, deep breathing for 10 seconds, or taking a walk to calm yourself before responding, he writes. If your boss is right in front of you and youre getting angry, try to intercept your emotional response and let them know youll respond appropriately later. Whatever you do, separate the content of the message fr om its delivery. Focusing on the former is useful focusing on the latter is a recipe for trouble.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

This favorite snack may get rid of your cough (according to a doctor)

This favorite snack may get rid of yur cough (according to a doctor)This favorite snack may get rid of your cough (according to a doctor)It is very rare these days to get good news. But we may just have drudged some up, and the prospects are delicious. Because according to an expert, Chocolate can calm coughs.Dr.Alyn Morice, a professor at the University of Hull anda founding member of the International Society for the Study of Cough, said he knew his assertion sounded like something out of Mary Poppins - just a spoonful of cocoa makes a cough subside. Nevertheless, its true.The viscosity and stickiness of cocoa means that it can coat our throats and subdue the urge to cough.Moriceexplained this shocking revelation in the Daily Mail a few years ago. Why the idea did not transform medicine as we know it (what else could chocolate cure, and why arent pharmacies giving out over-the-counter Godiva now?), this writer will never know. But at least it justifies eating fistfuls of candy dur ing a sick day (akaa work-from-home day). Or does it?Technically, it depends on the kind of chocolate. Most of Morices observations are based on medications that incorporate cocoa, among other ingredients. One such medicine isUnicough.Morice hypothesized that sucking on a piece of chocolate may provide some relief, but I think it is the way the chocolate compounds work with other ingredients in the linctus which make it so effective. Sadly, hot chocolate is not a suitable stand-in for chocolate-based medicine, either.What it sounds like is, for sciences sake, we should all be testing whether eating entire bars of chocolate soothes our tired throats. Its a good time to stumble upon this knowledge as well, as many of us are currently battling winter colds and flu. So instead of bringing cough drops to work, stop by the bodega and grab a Toblerone bar.Then, we self-described medical experts can assess our own chocolate-infused data and see where we go from there (probably to the store for more chocolate).

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Number One Strategy to Use for Student Resume Sample Unveiled

The Number One Strategy to Use for Student Resume Sample Unveiled Short, one-page resumes are well suited for fresh graduates. Lets walk through three distinct resumes for different sorts of post-college jobs. You have to offer relevant, concise details. Your contact information should always go on top of your resume, so that employers can readily find it. All information provided ought to be considered fictional. It should be considered as fictional. Instead of merely stating your duties and responsibilities, you should revolve around the skills you used to accomplish goals and total projects. As the work market grew increasingly more competitive, objectives became obsolete. Resume objectives can help you in writing objectives in your resumes while applying for different posts. Career Objectives are excellent for resumes with a particular purpose. You will also receive a notion of the way to present your skills in your student resume. A resume is the 1 chance a stude nt must tell college recruiters everything they will need to understand. Furthermore, you can look for student jobs on Monster. Furthermore, you can look for nursing student jobs on Monster. Crafting the ideal Education section is essential to creating a thriving college resume. Now you need to know how to compose a resume with no experience thats compelling and distinctive, ideal for a high school resume or a beginners resume for teens. A good option for high school resumes. Another great thing you must enhance your college resume in 2018. Your challenge as the work seeker is to be certain you survive the elimination round. Even in case youve never held an official job, its still true that you have life experience thats applicable to the work search. As everyone probably knows, its not a problem to locate a great job in case you have enough desire and willingness to receive it. What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Student Resume Sample The resume format sample ought to be accomplished well. Our tremendous range of downloadable resume templates is totally free for all to use and an excellent resource to kick off the writing process. Before you begin, it can be useful to review examples to have ideas for your resumes and cover letters. Resume examples and templates are incredibly helpful, especially when youre writing one of your initial resumes. What type of format to select and what things to include, were likely to inform you in the article below. The plan and format of resumes has seen a huge shift in the past couple of years. Big graphic components are used precisely in a manner it doesnt distract the reader from the other important elements of the resume. To make the best impression, you will need the right resume format. Where to Find Student Resume Sample Building a resume can be a difficult task especially if youve got no prior work experience. Youre better off to showcase your skills by your experience or have a short and descri ptive collection of only the important skills needed by the employer. Write down what skills you used, and the way they may relate to the job that you desire. Be sure that the skills are related to the job that you desire. Want to Know mora About Student Resume Sample? If thats the case, be certain your descriptions reflect that information. You may wind up with two pages if you include all the suggested additional info. Every section takes a slightly different strategy. Using colored text is an excellent means to emphasize several sections of the resume. The Little-Known Secrets to Student Resume Sample In the present business world theres often many qualified applicants applying for the identical job. It is necessary for candidates to take advantage of resume samples and practical guidance when producing their student resume as a way to ensure they highlight their abilities and potential in lieu of deficiency of experience. Whichever format you select, it should make you become selected for the job youre applying for. An interview could also be needed to land the job, but a resume is critical to begin the practice. Youre telling the employer what you would like from them. You should first opt for a sample resume which best suits you. Together with mentioning the work type, if youll give a small description of your work in the cv then it is going to be best too. For an entry-level job at a financial institution, cash handling skills will be required.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

What You Should Do to Find Out About Non Profit Resume Before Youre Left Behind

What You Should Do to Find Out About Non Profit Resume Before Youre Left Behind Non Profit Resume the Ultimate Convenience The organization might want to employ an individual that can work nicely for them leid themselves. If you dont have multiple open flecks in many locations, selecting many locations when submitting your posting is not wise. In the majority of cases, the successful candidate will be handling a number of responsibilities and youll often will need to help on a project that isnt actually your obligation. Most resumes are scanned for just a few seconds. Objective ought to be made attractive to hold the interest of the employers. Resume objective has become the most important element in the resume to impress the employer as its the very first note that captures the interest of the recruiter. The objective has to be written in a candid, confident manner telling the resume reader that youre prepared for the promotion and that you are able to carry the responsibili ty. A well-presented objective may be the high-impact device that could receive a hiring managers interest from the beginning. So in case you have a number of skills, make sure that you say that. When writing the financial resumes, its important to stick to the essential tips. You may want to make your resume relevant to every job. The toughest job you will ever love. If you dont have specific knowledge in youth development ( for instance), you may still submit an application for work in mentoring. Also add any appropriate work experience and skills you acquired on the job if youre switching to a different career and explain how youre able to blend all what you need to generate efficient outcomes. Before writing the resume remember that, your job objective should concentrate on what you may supply to the business rather than that which you desire from the business. Your career objective should clearly describe the position you are looking for in the organization and expla in to them your abilities and unique traits which make you suitable for the position. The Fundamentals of Non Profit Resume Revealed Whenever you are asking for work, you must think about the skills, experience, qualifications and necessary understanding of the field linked to the desired job. So resume objectives will differ depending on the sector in which you are searching for employment. If youre applying for any important small business position, your business resume objective must reflect the crucial abilities and qualifications necessary for working efficiently in that specific position. You want a resume targeting the specific position youre applying for. As its the opening of your CV, you should provide an excellent beginning to your resume with a great start. Hence, you need to be in a position to present your aims clearly and carefully in your CV. Also, it should be tailored to every position you apply for. All the expert resumes share various characteristics.